A couple days ago I posted a blog commenting on the audio book, Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James Dobson since, in the book, there was a reference to "early hominoids." In my blog article, I attributed the use of this term (which is similar in thought to old earth viewpoints such as Hugh Ross) to Dr. Dobson. What I thought was a term used by Dobson was actually part of a longer extended quote from Marc Gellman's article in Newsweek (here is the link). While it is evident in the print edition as to how far Gellman's quote extends (because of the page formatting), it is ambiguous on the audio CD.
Yesterday, I was kindly contacted by Dr. Dobson through one of his representatives. He clarified that the term ("early hominoids") was not Dr. Dobson's but that of Marc Gellman. In fact, Dr. Dobson said that he disagrees with it. I was informed that Tyndale House (the publisher) will be editing this in future editions in both the book and audiobook to remove this ambiguity.
I wanted to point this out since, while I did delete the post from my blog, it still may remain on some blog readers and I don't want to misrepresent Dr. Dobson's viewpoint.